الأحد، 27 أبريل 2014
3:42 م

Uberizer برنامج تحكم للاندرويد

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم جميعا زوار واعضاء محترفي الإعلاميات الاعزاء كما عودنا المنتدى على كل جديد

ومفيد اقدم لكم اليوم برنامج للتحكم باجهزة الاندرويد

وخاصة الاجهزة الصينيه من نوع تابلت

اسم البرنامج Uberizer

وهذا الفيديو شرح تنصيب واستعمال البرنامج



This tool aims to support many android devices. Use the Uberizer to:
  • * connect
    * improve
    * backup
    * control
    * debug
    * unlock full play store
    * mod
    * optimize
    * personalise
    * root
    * and more!

    تعليمات حول الاستخدام

    Uberizer Quickstart Guide:
    Connecting your device to your computer:

    To get started using the Uberizer you will need to connect to your computer. This can be done 2 ways:
    * Wired (Advanced users only) (Can ROOT devices)

    The reason why wireless is recommend is because it's easy! Wired installation requires you to install
    the ADB driver which can sometimes have problems, some devices have wierd ADB ports so you will have
    problems finding the proper cable for it and some devices don't have ADB ports at all.

    ** Setting up your device for Wireless Uberizing (RECOMMENDED)

    1. Go to the Wireless Menu (w)
    2. Enable Wireless ADB using ONE of these options: 2, 4 or 5, whichever is most easy for your situation.
    3. If you use an app (4 or 5), start the app on your Android device.
    Use option 6 to connect to the given IP in the app.
    If you chose option 2, you must find your device IP, go to Settings, About device, Status, to see the IP.

    ** Setting up your device for Wired Uberizing (Advanced users only)

    1. Install ADB drivers (from dir usb_driver) for wired ADB
    2. Boot Android, connect device (on the device, the statusbar will display "usb debugging mode is activated")
    3. Run this tool, analyse device so this tool can seek info of your device
    and will check if your model is supported by mods

    NOTE: Your device must have "ADB Debugging" checked in: "Settings \ Developer options \ USB debugging (Debug mode when USB is connected)

    روت منيو لكافة اصدارات الاندرويد ماعدا الجلي بين

    c. Root Menu
    + 1.Android 1.6 Donut (tested on WM8505)
    + 2.Android 1.6 Donut MAA (tested on WM8505)
    + 3.Android 2.2 Froyo (WM8650)
    + 4.Android 2.3 GingerBread (WM8710)
    + 5.Android 3.0 HoneyComb
    + 6.Android 4.0 ICS (tested on A13)
    + 7.Android 4.0 ICS MIPS (tested on Ainovo)
    + 8.Android 4.0 ICS (tested on WM8850) (tested on rk3066)
    + 9.Android 4.0 ICS v2
    + 10.Android 4.0 ICS HTC (alpha)
    + 11.Backup current root bin and su app
    * Backups the system\(x/s)bin\su bins and superuser.apk to \backups\system (x/s)bin and \app
    + 12.Restore root backup
    * Writes the \backups su bins and superuser.apk back to the device.
    + 13.Unroots device
    * Removes su bins and superuser from device and sets default back.
    + 14.Check device root
    * Installs and starts the latest free version of Joey Krim's Root Checker
    حول النسخه والاضافات

    v1.4 (128 functions):
    * uberizer various: added: 22. Enter device's ADB shell
    * uberizer various: added: 23. Enter device's ADB shell (remountmode)
    * uberizer various: added: 24. Edit init.rc and push back
    * uberizer various: added: 25. Edit init.%MODEL%.rc and push back
    * uberizer various: added: 26. Clean Dalvik-cache
    * uberizer root: added x86 root with busybox 1.20
    * uberizer root: fixed busybox bugs in root 7 and 9
    * uberizer A1X fw: fixed step 3 on the restore function (recovery.img)
    * uberizer main: fixed reboot routine
    * uberizer main: fixed autodetection
    * uberizer backups: fixed a bug in option 10
    * uberizer main: added presetup for advanced system specific modifications (upcoming v2.0 feature)
من عمل باك اب للنضام وطبخ روم وتفعيل ماركت الى اخره

صراحه جربت البرنامج على تابلت صيني وتمت التجربه بنجاح

الفيديو راح يوضح كل شي ان شاء الله

اوجه شكري وتقديري كل اعضاء المنتدى

اليكم رابط البرنامج على الميديا فاير


طبعا راح يطالبك باسورد والي هوا


الموقع الرسمي للبرنامج


وانشاء الله راح اعطيكم الاجهزة الداعم لها البرنامج في مشاركه اخرى

تمنايتي لكم النجاح والموفقيه 

المرجو عند النقل دكر المصدر


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